articleleadJoomailer, our Campaign Monitor integration for Joomla!, is moving ever closer towards the release candidate. In this upgrade we have implemented a few requested features. Joomailer 0.9.4 has received some cruicial changes, which will allow us to apply some exciting interface changes to the next version.

One of the major new features is the creation of custom fields to create segments from Community Builder or Jomsocial users tables. If for example your members select some type of sports preference during the registration phase you will be able to create different segments for soccer, basketball, football, tennis and so on. This allows for a whole new way of organizing your subscriber lists. In the current release you will have to add your segments seperatly from within the createsend interface, which loads in a lightbox in your backend. It is planned to remove all type of access via lightbox, once all functions to manage your campaigns have been added.
We have also added the ability to select multiple lists of subscribers when you create your draft. The increased flexibility of combining any lists let's you micromanage groups of subscribers and target any group of people.

The third major feature is the addition of a frontend view for recent campaigns. You will be able to present the results of your clients' campaigns to your clients via the frontend over their own login, in case you manage their newsletter campaigns. In combination with some google analytics user statistics embedded in modules you could create a powerful reporting interface.

Have a look at the screenshots below or visit our Joomailer site for more detailed infos on the latest changes.{gallery}joomailer094{/gallery}
Joomailer has developed into quite a component over the past few months and on the last 100 yards we plan on introducing an entirely new user interface concept for creating and sending your or your clients' newsletters. All we are revealing now though is that the steps required to create and send off the actual newsletter will be drastically reduced and will be a lot more intuitive to first time users.